Served hot or add ice. This is a favorite for the winter season, no matter where you live!

If you’re a New Englander, you know all about our fifth season – mud season. Shake off the mud and enjoy our riff on a classic hot toddy.

We suggest an orange peel and cinnamon stick if you want a cozy cocktail. A lemon wedge will provide a slightly more refreshing taste.

The Basics

You only need No 14 Bourbon, cider and lemon.


The chocolate bitters help to make this cocktail smooth, adding depth and complexity. Use black tea in place of water for even more flavor and a little pick me up. Try it with Coppers Barrel Gin, and you’ll never think of gin the same way again.



2 dashes Fee Brothers Aztec Chocolate Bitters
¾ oz. Woods Cider Mill Boiled Cider
½ oz. Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
2 oz. No. 14 Bourbon
1.5 oz hot water or hot black tea
Orange peel and a Cinnamon stick


Heat your water or black tea to a nice simmer. Add cider, lemon juice, and No 14 Bourbon. Swirl until ingredients blend. Serve in a preheated snifter with orange peel and a cinnamon stick. Share with a friend for maximum enjoyment.

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